The 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST 2011) dedicated a session on the Ecological Importance of Solar Saltworks where the following researchers presented:
- Sui Lying reported on a full-scale project that undergoes in Bohai Bay, China where four desalination plants discharge their effluents into nearby Solar Saltworks in order to reduce the adverse impact on the marine environment.
- Sonia Sejourne referred to SALINS Group commitment and professionalism to biodiversity conservation and their current ecological actions implemented on the salt marshes, a Life Nature Project.
- Renato Rocha argues that there is an urgent need to establish a strategy that promotes the inclusion of Brazilian Solar Saltworks as conservation zones.
- Katia Huesso referred to European Salt Museums, their characterization and evaluation and their increasing role in local communities.
- Nikos Korovessis analysed the differences and similarities between Solar Saltworks and the natural coastal lagoons.
- Steve Davis presented an integrated study on the Solar Saltworks biological Process and the Sustainable and Economic Manufacture of high quality solar saltworks when they feed with high nutrient intake.
Additionally B. Manos reported (in another session) on the main outcomes of a research with strategic objective of exploring the interactions between governance modes and sustainable development objectives in view of indentifying what governance processes and institutions can best contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.